Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Northernlight’s Insurance & Surety Services

The president of AAUG Realty between 2002 and 2008, Gregor Gregory has extensive experience in the construction and real estate industries in Florida. As president of Northernlight (NL) since 2002, Gregor Gregory oversees a suite of insurance, surety, and related products

NL comprises three member companies. Northernlight Insurance provides businesses of any size with coverage for aviation, marine hull, disaster recovery, and more. Northernlight Surety accommodates clients’ preexisting performance bond packages or builds one to suit their needs, incorporating types of bonds like media and commercial performance, among others. Northernlight de Ecuador, with offices in Quito, provides similar services to Northernlight Insurance and Northernlight Surety but for Latin American clients.

To find out more about their products, business owners can use the form provided at the bottom of every web page on NL’s family of websites. They can request four types of information: financial documents, NL’s financial statements, corporate information, or get a quote.